When it comes to healthcare, Maura is endlessly committed to making sure every American can access the care they need. After working in Nuclear Medicine for many years, Maura knows just how important it is that we make healthcare accessible and affordable. She believes it is a basic right that we all deserve at all stages of our lives, and no one should ever have to choose between paying for life’s necessities or lifesaving medical services.

Healthcare is an issue that is on the minds of a lot of people in District 3. We have many who rely on Medicaid and Medicare, or who are trapped in their job simply because they can’t risk losing their insurance; we also have a significant number of uninsured people. The stress associated with getting medical attention leads many people to avoid going to the doctor, or to not fill a prescription because the cost has risen once again. Other countries around the world do not have the problems that we have. Maura believes that universal healthcare could be a reality for us one day, and in the meantime she is committed to lowering drug costs, canceling medical debt wherever possible, and guaranteeing that insurance companies aren’t ripping you off.

In Georgia, our health services have been facing a crisis for a long time. Since 2010, 9 rural hospitals have closed down, making us 3rd in the nation for hospital closures. These closures have devastated our communities as residents are left without emergency services and preventative care. Republicans in our State have consistently shown that providing healthcare to Georgians who need it is not a priority for them. Governor Brian Kemp continues to turn down millions in federal funding that would expand our Medicaid system, so Maura wants to do whatever she can to help at the federal level.

Everyone in District 3 and beyond deserves the care that they need at the lowest price possible, and Maura believes we need to take significant leaps in Congress to make that happen.


Maura envisions a future where the American Dream is not a distant hope but a reality. Join her as she turns your dreams into blueprints for a brighter tomorrow.


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